Nebraska State Soccer Association (Nebraska State Soccer) is a 501 (c) (3) and a public charity under sections 509 (a) (1) and 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi) of the Internal Revenue Code . This allows contributions to be deductible under section 170 of the code and we are qualified to receive deductible transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Nebraska State Soccer is a member of the United States Youth Soccer Association (USYS), United States Adult Soccer Association (USASA) and the official representative of the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) for the State of Nebraska.

What we do
By affiliation with the Nebraska State Soccer, players are also affiliated with these National associations and have the opportunity to participate in the following functions:
- Sanctioned tournaments in the United States, Canada and abroad.
- National Championships – Nebraska State Cup leads to Regional Competition and National Competition.
- Fall and Spring Recreational Tournaments – unique tournaments that are only open to recreational players.
- Leagues – NYSL and other State Sanctioned Leagues for all levels of play.
- Olympic Development Program – Elite players compete to make Regional and National teams.
- TOPSoccer Program – which is dedicated to persons with special needs.
- Insurance Coverage – players, coaches, assistant coaches and Board of Directors are covered under the policy.
- Coaching Education Program – courses and Clinics.
- Referee Program – certification clinics for anyone who would like to officiate soccer games.
Nebraska State Soccer Association was officially started in 1969 and currently represents a membership of over 25,000 youth and adult soccer players, 3,000 coaches, 900 referees and 1,000 administrators throughout the State of Nebraska. The organization consists of over 70 clubs who register players (boys and girls) from ages of four (4) through nineteen (19) on the youth side and any age on the adult side throughout the state. Nebraska State Soccer provides and supports opportunities for the development and growth of our members through the game of soccer, with an ongoing commitment to service, education, promotion, and administrative support for all levels, ages, and abilities of soccer players in Nebraska.